Weird Or Strange Behavior? No, They're Siamese Cats!
From time to time readers send in stories about their cats' behavior, which in the case of Siamese cats is usually strange, weird, clever, cute, funny, dog-like or downright abnormal!
Here are just a few ... our Siamese cats really know how to keep us on our toes, don't they? I hope you enjoy these little gems, and as always, thanks to everyone who sent these particular stories in, and for all the comments below them, too. They just keep coming!
Tao Likes To Ride In The Car Like A Dog!from Deanna in London, ON, CanadaTao, my Chocolate Point, is fourteen years old and
loves going for car rides.

He likes to sit in the front seat and place his front paws on the dashboard, it appears as if he is navigating. He knows not to go down where my feet are, and does not distract me.
He loves going through drive-thrus and getting attention. We have also gone to the drive-in to catch some movies.
He's better than a dog because he does not slobber on my windows! :-)
Zena (Taught Us To Speak Siamese)from Liz in the UKWhen we first got little Zena (a tortie point) she hid in corners and cried really loudly all the time. After a while we coaxed her out, and she became dependent on us.
Zena has trained us to know what she is meowing for. When she is hungry, she meows loudly, when she wants to go to bed she meows softly. Best of all, when she is in a giddy mood she does a sort of bark, and this means she wants to be chased up the stairs and to play with her toys.
The funniest time was when my mother was sitting in the front room, and Zena ran out of nowhere up the wall and slid back down. My mum screamed, Zena started doing her barking noise and ran over my mum's shoulders!
She is so cute at night, she paws me until she is under the covers. In the morning she wakes me up by biting my nose and then runs down the stairs under my feet demanding her cat food!
I love my Siamese cat, she is my baby.
Liz (owned by Zena)
Smarty PantsOur Lilac Point Siamese, Skittles, is just under a year old and he's the cutest.
Very vocal and charming, his favorite thing is to sit on the floor and wait till we aren't paying attention. He will then slowly creep up and smack you in the face and then run, it's like a little game to him.
It's so cute!
Snoopy (The Cat Burglar)from Lindsey in ColoradoMy Siamese cross Snoopy is a big snoop! He loves to investigate. When he was just a kitten he figured out how to open the cabinet doors in the kitchen and in the linen closet. He does this by batting at them until he can get his paw behind the door to swing it open.
Eventually, I had to install child safety locks on all the floor level doors so he couldn't get into the cupboards. I really didn't want him crawling over my clean pots and pans.
Now he has figured out that he can get into the cupboard above the fridge and curl up in it to sleep. I guess I'll need to put a lock on that one too!